Prizren Post

Kurti asks NATO for additional troops in Kosova

PRISHTINA – Kosova Prime Minister Albin Kurti yesterday, August 26, called on NATO to strengthen its presence in his country, because he believes that there is a threat to it from Serbia and Russia.

He stated this to the German television channel Welt due to growing tensions between the two countries, which were caused by Kosova’s intention to ban the use of Serbian license plates and identification documents. Kurti assessed that additional troops in Kosova, as he said, would definitely improve security.

“KFOR troops can help us improve security structures and capacities,” he said.

We remind you that Kosova intends to ban the use of Serbian license plates and personal documents, which is unacceptable for Serbia. Not long before this decision will start to be implemented, a few weeks ago, Serbs in the north of Kosova started building barricades. After that, the government of this country extended the application to two border crossings.

Negotiations continued between Pristina and Belgrade, mediated by the European Union and the United States of America, in order to normalize the relations between these two countries. In this attempt, the EU special representative Miroslav Lajčak and the American diplomat Gabriel Escobar visited the Serbian capital this week.

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