Prizren Post

PM Rama on Top Story, first interview after elections

Tirana – Yesterday evening on “Top Story”, the Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama, gave his first interview for the media after the June 25th elections.

Rama said that this victory, alone and without any allies, means that the people of Albania gave him a huge responsibility and trust, a victory for which the Socialist Party must reflect, if they don’t want to end up like the Democratic Party in the next elections.

For Rama, this responsibility is about giving voters what they voted for, that’s why the SP should mobilize to have the party and government together with the people in the next four years. The Prime Minister says the current technology helps making people more involved with the government, and the SP is working for a platform that will grant access to the citizens.

Rama said that this new mechanism that will be created within the Socialist Party, for creating a closer connection between the parliament, the government and the people, will help create permanent pressure against the people who represent the state in all levels, especially in service offices. “They must understand that the citizens are co-governing”, Rama said.

When asked about the changes in the new cabinet, Rama said that the current challenges are about modifying the budget in accordance with the heavy drought, and also about stopping the people who are currently in key roles, from other parties, and who may undertake dangerous decisions before leaving in September.

As for the staff of the ministries previously held by SMI, as ally, and by the Democratic Party technical Ministers, Rama said he will not be the one to evaluate the performance of the former Ministers, and that there will be no operation to attack people politically. All changes will be based on logic and moral in every structure.

As for the agreement reached with the Democratic Party, Rama said he hopes it will continue even after elections, and considers it as the only positive thing done by the Democratic Party in these four years./TCH/

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