Wednesday, December 9th 2015
Scupi – VMRO-DPMNE declared today that the prime minister and chairman of this party, Nikola Gruevski cannot appear in the hearing due to his activities, but he will appear on 14 December.
PM Nikola Gruevski has not shown up today in the hearing of the inquiry committee which is investigating the wiretapping case, although he was the first witness summoned to testify on this, as the main protagonist of the conversations published by the opposition.
VMRO-DPMNE declared today that the prime minister and chairman of this party, Nikola Gruevski cannot appear in the hearing due to his activities, but he will appear on 14 December.
Gruevski was the first witness that should have testified and he’s followed by the minister of Finance, Zoran Stavrevski, former Interior minister, Gordana Jankulovska, former head of Secret Services, Saso Mijalkov, former Transport minister, Mile Janakievski and others.
VMRO-DPMNE demanded for these hearings to be held behind closed doors, but last week, PM Gruevski said that he doesn’t have anything against the hearings to be open for the public.
Experts of legal affairs do not think that this committee will be successful in its work.
University professor, Osman Kadriu is skeptic that the committee will be able to help the country come out of the crisis.
“There are many uncertainties as to how this committee will work, because we’re seeing how political parties are manipulating this process. There are many dilemmas as to whether the committee will be efficient and yield results”, Kadriu told IBNA.
Citizens think that this committee will not be successful, as political parties are causing delays to meet their scopes. Branko M, a pensioner, told IBNA that the committee will not be successful because these conversations have been registered by politicians themselves and that they’re not that stupid as to admit that they’re guilty.
“I don’t think it will be successful, because we’re clearly seeing that these political parties are causing delays to buy time. They don’t want to shed light upon anything, because they’re clear about the fact that they’re guilty. The international community alone can put pressure and reveal the truth. Otherwise, there will be no results”, Branko M said.
The inquiry committee’s job is to determine all political responsibilities for the people who were involved in these registrations. On the other hand, the criminal responsibility will be decided by the Special Prosecution./ibna/
Etiketa: gruevski, macedonia, primeminister