Kosova refuses participation in Nis summit

Thursday, August 25th 2016

Prishtina – Kosova Chamber of Commerce has refused to take part in the meetings between Albania and Serbia expected to take place in the month of October in Nis.

The decision followed the decision that Kosova was to be represented by only businesses, while Tirana and Belgrade were to be represented in a senior state level.

Head of Kosova Chamber of Commerce, Safet Gerxhaliu says that the institution that he represents is engaged for economic regional cooperation on equal basis and without politicization.

“Kosova has its own institutions, the President, Parliament, Government and Kosova Chamber of Commerce will not be part of any activities in which our country will not be represented as an equal subject to the others. This principle is also valid for the meeting of Nis between representatives of Albania and Serbia”, said today (25.08) Gerxhaliu.

Albania and Serbia are getting ready for a joint economic forum, to promote the creation of the Albanian-Serb Chamber of Commerce based in Tirana.

As part of the process of economic strengthening of the six countries of Western Balkans, through the advancement of regional cooperation, in the recent days, the heads of the chambers of commerce of Albania and Serbia, have visited their respected counterparts in FYROM, Albania and Montenegro to then continue in Croatia and Slovenia.

Kosova, as a new state has been avoided in this process./IBNA/

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