Migration of albanian population to Turkey

Thursday, March 13th 2014

shperngulja per turqi

Migration of Kosovo albanians to Turkey 1912-1915

According to documents founded in the archives of the Federal Secretariat of Foreign Affairs in Belgrade, in PO fund (Politçko Odelenje) from the General Consulate that those data provids for the migration of Albanians in Thessaloniki to Turkey. According to the drawn document number 1246 on April 12, 1914 provided the following figures:

November 1912, 8866 albanians were emigrated to Turkey,
December 1912, 11,493 albanians were emigrated to Turkey,
During January 1913, 12,087 albanians were emigrated to Turkey,
During February 1913, 1,288 albanians were emigrated to Turkey,
During the March 1913, 7,553 albanians were emigrated to Turkey,
During April 1913, 6,725 albanians were emigrated to Turkey,
During May 1913, 12,813 albanians were emigrated to Turkey,
During June 1913, 9,386 albanians were emigrated to Turkey,
During July 1913, 21,045 albanians were emigrated to Turkey,
During August 1913, 29,312 albanians were emigrated to Turkey,
During September 1913, 13,380 albanians were emigrated to Turkey,
During October 1913, 14,764 albanians were emigrated to Turkey,
During November 1913, 17,313 albanians were emigrated to Turkey,
During December 1913, 15,502 albanians were emigrated to Turkey,
During January 1914, 10,182 albanians were emigrated to Turkey,
During February 1914, 25,060 dalbanians were emigrated to Turkey,
During March 1914, 12,346 albanians were emigrated to Turkey,
Overall according to the document, only in Turkey 239,807 people were displaced. Is noted that in this document does not figures the number of childrens who were under age 6. Also is noted in these documents that through Kavala have also passed 4 thousand Muslim families, but also as by land . All these persons are said to have led in Turkey with 395 European boats. According to “Kosovo Committee”, in April 1914 were moved to Turkey : 6,520 albanian.
During May to Turkey were migrated 15,414 albanians,
During June 14,821 albanians were migrated to Turkey,
During July 26,237 albanians were migrated to Turkey,
All these data were published by Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Section of Historical Sciences (“Dokumenta o spolnjoj politici kraljevine serbije”, K.VII Sv.1 Beograd 1980.f.617-618).
According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Serbian Kingdom during 1912-1915 in Kosovo was planned to be colonized by 20 thousand serbs in the area which was occupied by serbs and by five thousand in Kosovo area occupied by montenegrins./Prizren Post/

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