Mustafa: Kosovo praised for its economic development

Wednesday, February 15th 2017

Prishtina – The news was announced during today’s cabinet meeting in Prishtina, where Mustafa extended his congratulations to the Government as well as the Ministry of Trade and Industry for their achievements.

Kosovo PM Isa Mustafa, congratulated the citizens of Kosovo for two assessments that were recently attributed to the country, one coming from the World Forum of Investment 2017, where Kosovo Government won the prize “Best Government in South-East Europe for support of entrepreneurship “as well as the appreciation of the Heritage Foundation, which ranked Kosovo at 46th in the world and 22nd in Europe in terms of economic freedom.

The news was announced during today’s cabinet meeting in Prishtina, where Mustafa extended his congratulations to the Government as well as the Ministry of Trade and Industry for their achievements.

The prize was delivered to Kosovo Minister of Trade and Industry, Mrs. Hykmete Bajrami, during the World Forum on Investment, which is being held in Istanbul, Turkey.

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