Opposition leader: “Government officials hide assets”

Wednesday, April 6th 2016
Lulzim Basha

Lulzim Basha

Tirana – The leader of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha, included in his speeches the accusations against government leaders for hiding assets.

He was based on the public support that the Prime Minister gave to the tax and custom officers, who were accused by the opposition of being two of the key points of corruption and smuggling, causing a damage of 400 million USD.

“400 million USD that never arrived in the budget. But that money has arrived somewhere. Did they go to Panama or somewhere else! Thanking the customs or the tax officers is like thanking Ilir Beqaj for giving 1 million USD per month to Vilma Nushi. What’s next? Thanking Arben Ahmetaj for the economic progress? Thanking Emiliano Shullazi for the public order?”, Basha declared.

Basha says that the DP program will give a same priority to agriculture as infrastructure had during their past two mandates.

“Our purpose is to make a 150 million EUR budget for the agriculture and pay subventions for the work of the farmer, not for the collector of their produce, just 4-5 people tied to the government”, Basha said./TCH/

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