Saturday, April 23rd 2016
The grave of Sanderbeg`s nephew, one of the biggest opponent of ottoman empire Simkesbasi Skanderbeg and the Dukakinzâde / Dukagjini Ahmed Pasha is near the shrine of Shah Sultan Eyup on the Dukakinzâde / Dukagjini`s family cemetery in Istanbul, reported by Prizren Post.
Skanderbeg`s two grandchildrens at the time of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent returned to Istanbul by serving with loyalty to the Ottomans and became Muslims.
One of these grandchildrens by taking the Skanderbeg name, rises again up to the rank of Simkesbasi in the Ottoman Empire.
Simkesbasi Skanderbeg built a mekteb (school) Medresah Sibijani near the Zal Mahmud Pasha Mosque in Istanbul and a Çeshme / fountain in front of Korucu Mehmet Çelebi Mosque at the shores of Ayvansaray in Istanbul.
In the table dated from the year 975/1567 of the fountain built by the famous architect Mimar Sinan which has stolen in 2004 was written:
عجايب خيره گردي سيم كش باشی سكندر بك
دكوب سيم و زري بو چشمه ساره اوردي بنياني
بناسي سدّ اسكندر صویي آب حيآت اولدي
حيآت سرمدي بولدي خضروش نوش ايدن آني
صفآي طبعله ساعي بونڭ اتمامی تاريخن
ديدم بولمش سكندر عينيله آب حيوانی
سنه ٩٧٥
Acâyib hayra girdi Sîm-keşbaşı Skender Beğ
Döküp sîm u zeri bu şeşme-sâra urdı bünyânı
Binâsı Sedd-i İskender suyu âb-ı hayât oldı
Hayât-ı sermedî buldı Hızır-veş nûş iden ânı
Safâ-yı tab’la Sâ’i bunun itmâmı târihin
Didim bulmuş Skender aynıyle âb-ı hayvânı
Simkesbasi Skanderbeg died in 990/1582 and is buried near to the Mekteb in Eyup Sultan. The epitaph of his tomb is existent with this kitabe (plaque):
الخيرات مرحوم
اسكندر بگ
سنه ٩٩٠
El-Hayrât merhûm
İskender Beğ
Sene 990
The Mekteb (the school) was replaced by the Sultan Mustafa`s doughter Shah Sultana by building in its place the new Mekteb and Sebili(a fontain) of Shah Sultana which is still existent, reported by Prizren Post.
Because of the family ties that he had with the family of Dugacinzâde / Dukagjinzade he was buried near Ahmet Pasha`s grave so in some Ottoman Scriptures is registered as Dugacinzâde / Dukagjinzade.
In the epitaph of the tomb of Dugacinzâde / Dukagjinzade Ahmed Pasha, still existent dating from 964 / 1556-57 is written the following inscription:
مرحوم و مغفور
احمد پاشا
رحمة الله عليه
سنه ٩٦٤
Merhûm Ve Mağfûr
Ahmed Paşa
Rahmetullahi Aleyh
Sene 964
Prizren Post
Etiketa: nephew, skanderbeg secrets