Friday, August 26th 2016
Brezovica – A group of people from 9 countries gathered in Brezovica to discuss important problems of nature conservation. On this discussion participants were from GAIA SCI Kosova, CVS Bulgaria, SCI Hellas, VUK Croatia, VCV Serbia and CID Macedonia.
A special emphasis of this program is put on the issue of management of the Sharr National Park and continuing degradation of nature that is happening in this area, which is legally protected. During these ten days analyzing the current state of this park it is noted that the situation in this National Park is out of control.
National parks are areas that are considered important to protect the natural beauty and unique ecosystems. These parks are the home of many endemic, rare and important plants and animal species. Therefore, relevant institutions and society must show a greater commitment to the protection and development of these areas. Rapid and irresponsible industry to the detriment of wildlife, is leaving consequences that cannot be ignored. It is our responsibility to prevent future destruction of natural habitats and to create mechanisms to protect the untouched nature.
Sharri National Park still faces the exploitation of its natural resources. Logging, hunting, the presence of waste and illegal construction are just some of the examples that can be encountered here. Winter tourism is the only source of income for the locals, while the mountain stays empty ¾ of the year. Hiking, mountain biking, wildlife watching, etc., are just some of the possibilities that could bring people to the Sharr all-year round.
Besides the problems that brings exploitation, this area may be faced with another serious issue. The planned construction of a ski resort with high capacity will strongly impact the natural balance in the Sharr National Park. The main focus of this project is in area A, which contains 600 hectares of Kosova’s most important natural values. Within this area, the unregulated construction of holiday homes and large commercial hotels threaten the fragile forest ecosystems, including flora, fauna, rivers and soil. For the purposes of such a project, the habitats of rare and endangered species would be destroyed. The project of the ski resort is prepared without any Environment Impact Assessment, and is in contradiction with the legal provisions of the Nature Protection, Law on Environmental Protection of the Republic of Kosova, violating the principles of the protection of endangered species of flora, fauna and fungi.
Furthermore, everybody seems to be avoiding to discuss the role of the climate change. Worldwide trends of temperature raise and drop-down of snowing would mean shorter ski and snowboard season and artificial snow. The latter meaning a lot of energy and water consumption and possible pollution due to chemicals used for production of artificial snow.
Based on what we have seen in the National Park of Shari, we have noticed a great potential for community based eco-tourism development that would be beneficial for the local communities, but not destructive for the wildlife. But before we move onto this part it is necessary to determine the extent of degradation of natural habitats and the current state of biodiversity and endangered species.
Relevant institutions must change their approach to this national park by creating a long-term sustainable development strategy. This strategy should prioritize the conservation of natural values and development strategy would also influence the development of the local economy, increase the number of visitors and create greater integration throughout the local communities in the Sharr Mountain region./Prizren Post/
Etiketa: brezovica, gaia sci kosova, Kosova, sharr national park